our Members
Serving a Growing Industry
The world’s travel and tourism education community must respond to the diverse needs of an increasingly complex industry. Continued growth in travel and tourism will require an increasing pool of trained professionals at all levels who understand the close interrelationships among all segments of the industry.
- Economics
- Business Administration
- Gaming Management
- Geography
- Hospitality Administration
- Destination Management
- Leisure Study
- Marketing
- Meetings & Conventions
- Sociology of Tourism
ISTTE is an energetic and diverse international organization dedicated to advancing travel and tourism education and research, with a well balanced mix of educators and professionals. Since 1980, the membership has represented all levels of educational institutions, ranging from professional schools and high schools to four-year colleges and graduate degree granting universities. Current membership is represented by travel and tourism educators from countries such as the United States, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Netherlands, Germany, New Zealand, Britain, Korea, China and from territories such as Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. ISTTE prides itself on the diverse qualifications of its members who represent varied education and industry sectors.
Executive Committee
Nicholas Thomas
Abu Dhabi Hospitality Academy - Les Roches
Email: nicholas.thomas@lesroches.ae
Zongqing Zhou
Chairman of the Board
Po-Ju Chen
Vice President
Texas A&M University
Murat Kizildag
Central Florida University
Mark Meng
Indiana University Kokomomengz@iu.edu
Annamarie D. Sisson
Chair, Membership
Edinburgh Napier University A.Sisson@napier.ac.uk
Benjamin Altschuler
Temple Universitybenjamin.altschuler@temple.edu
Lianping Ren (Eve)
Macao University of Tourism
Justin Pang
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University, Vietnam
Michael Scantlebury
Grand Valley State University
Lawrence Sticca
Odessa College
Li-Chun Lin
Journal Editor-in-Chief
Montclair State University
Tang Liu
Shanghai Institute of Tourism
Cora Un In WONG
Macao Polytechnic Universitycorawong@mpu.edu.mo
Teri Hunter
Beacon College
Cathy Hsu
Advisor, Singular
Honorary ChairpersonThe Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Past Presidents
2021-2023 - (second term) | Zongqing Zhou, Niagara University, USA
2019-2021 - (first term) | Zongqing Zhou, Niagara University, USA
2013-2019 - Nicole Davis, Southern Illinois University, USA2009-2013 - Dominic Dillane, Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland2005-2009 - Michael J. Sabitoni, Johnson & Wales University, USA2003-2005 - Sharon Scott, Education Systems, USA2001-2003 - Cathy Hsu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China1997-2001 - Kesler, John C., Lakeland Community College, USA1995-1997 - Kaye S. Chon, University of Houston, USA1991-1995 - Barbara Krygel, Agency Access Training, USA1989-1991 - Barry Resnick, Rancho Santiago College, USA1987-1989 - James Burke, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA1985-1987 - Thomas Powderly, Brandywine College, USA1983-1985 - Francis Domoy, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA1980-1983 - Barney Mead