Institutional Rateo Conference plus membership for five members (normally three members only) $400.00*o Membership rate after October 31, 2021 (valid through 12/2022) $500.00
*The rates (red) are valid if purchased by October 31, 2021. Membership rates will revert back to regular ISTTE rates after this deadline. Please note the proposed 2022 membership rates are lower than last year, in part because we did charge a fee for the conference for all categories and it was combined with the membership rate. Currently, that regular rate is listed on the ISTTE website. .
*The rates (red) are valid if purchased by October 31, 2021. Membership rates will revert back to regular ISTTE rates after this deadline. Please note the proposed 2022 membership rates are lower than last year, in part because we did charge a fee for the conference for all categories and it was combined with the membership rate. Currently, that regular rate is listed on the ISTTE website. .
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